Oxford MIPAS meeting#35
15 Jul 03


Instrument Status [Prev] [Next] (Some details on the Envisat Web-Site)

L2 Data [Prev] [Next]
In /home/crun/eodg/mipas/L2/ [Plots of profile locations]

Data Assimilation [Prev] [Next]

AMIL2DA [Prev] [Next]
EU F5 project coordinated by IMK to develop independent MIPAS retrieval algorithms (http://www-imk.fzk.de:8080/imk2/ame/amil2da/)

OPTIMO (CP) [Prev] [Next]
Oxford L2 Processor

ECMWF Analyses (VP)

Occupation Matrix Statistics (AD) [Prev] [Next]

REC Analyses (AD) [Prev] [Next]

Monthly Means (CK) [Next]
Working on averaging ESA L2 data into monthly/latitudinal means and creating web-pages in a similar pattern to REC analyses.
Example plots for June 2003 Ozone
Email from Paul Snoeij (ESTEC) to ACVT, 10 Jul 2003
Subject: NEW DATE ACVE-2 Working Meeting: 18-20 November 2003

Dear Colleagues,

During the internal ESA ACVT management meeting of 4 July 2003, the following
schedule for reprocessing of the 2002 and 2003 ACVT Validation Data Set, with
improved algorithms, has been agreed:

The ESA processing facility at ACRI will be used
Reprocessing will be finalised by 5 September 2003
Data distribution by FTP server @ ACRI

The ESA processing facility at ESRIN will be used
Reprocessing will be finalised by 3 October 2003
Data distribution by FTP server @ ESRIN

The ESA processing facility at ESRIN will be used
Reprocessing will be finalised by 5 September 2003
Data distribution by FTP server @ ESRIN
Based on the SCIAMACHY Validation Reference Dataset (1500 - 3000 states)

After careful examination of the schedule for the current ongoing development
and implementation of improved algorithms for the atmospheric instruments on
Envisat and the subsequent reprocessing, it has been decided to postpone the
As a new date the 18-20 November 2003 period has been allocated.
The objective of the working meeting has also been changed, the ACVE-2 will
now focus on the validation of geophysical products, that are significantly
improved with respect to the results shown in December 2002 (the so-called
Delta validation principle). A list with improved products to be validated
will be distributed to the PI's soon.
The meeting is primarily intended for the participants of the Envisat
Atmospheric Chemistry Validation Programme and the L1b and L2 algorithm

A draft program, registration form and hotel reservation form will be soon

The ACVT subgroupleaders will contact their team to coordinate the
presentation of the results at the working meeting.

ACVE-2 Workshop
18 November - 20 November 2003
ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy