The Trireme Trust - Bibliography

Last updated: 31OCT06 (Add Welsh, F.R.)

There are a number of books available on the topic of ancient ships, but these are just a few to act as a starting point.
Casson, L.
Ships and Seafaring in Ancient Times
British Museum Press, 1994.
Coates, J.F.
The Trireme Sails Again
Scientific American, April 1989, pp68-75.
Coates, J.F.
Tilley's and Morrison's Triremes - evidence and practicality
Antiquity, Vol 69, pp 159-162, 1995.
Morrison, J.S. (Consultant Ed.)
The Age of the Galley - Mediterranean Vessels since Pre-Classical Times
Conway's History of Ships Series, 1995.
Morrison, J.S. (with contributions from J.F. Coates)
Greek and Roman Oared Warships 399-30 BC
Oxbow Monograph No. 62 (1996).
Morrison, J.S., and J.F. Coates
The Athenian Trireme: The History and Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Warship.
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Morrison, J.S., and R.T. Williams
Greek Oared Ships, 900-322 B.C
Cambridge University Press, 1968.
Shaw, T.
The Trireme Project: Operational Experience 1987-90, Lessons Learnt.
Oxbow Monograph No 31 (1993).
Tilley, A.,
Three men to a room - a completely different Trireme.
Antiquity, Vol 66, No. 252, Sept 1992.
Also: WWW summary
Welsh, F.R.,
Building The Trireme
Constable, 1988

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